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此項研究名稱為”初步研究證實神經肌肉教育可減輕下背痛及增進自我姿勢調整的協調性 (Preliminary evidence that neuromuscular education reduces low back pain and improves coordination of automatic postural adjustments)”

本研究是由美國神經科學會、奧勒岡健康科學大學以及佛蒙特大學所作,参與研究的學者為Timothy W. Cacciatore、 Sharon M. Henry,、Fay B. Horak,本研究結果曾發表於2001年姿勢控制及步態研討會。


Abnormal motor coordination is associated with low back pain (Rudy et al., 1995; Hodges & Richardson, 1996).

1 下背痛與肌肉動作控制能力不足有關(back pain is associated with underlying motor control deficits)
2 這樣的(肌肉動作控制)能力不足是造成疼痛以及疼痛持續的原因(these deficits cause and perpetuate the pain.)

另一方面,研究者認為異常的動作協調也可能是源於疼痛本身,例如長時間使用副木或支架抑制疼痛或支撐肢體,長時間下來可能導致身體動作缺乏協調性Alternatively, abnormal motor coordination could result from the pain itself, for example, in splinting to avoid pain.
In this pilot study, we characterized the motor coordination of a single subject with unilateral left back pain before and after lessons in the Alexander Technique.

協調性的測試是以傳達重力至支撐表面及單腿平衡能力為標準 (support surface translations and one-legged balance)。

Testing over several months prior to lessons revealed consistent abnormalities (large lateral asymmetries) in standing spinal curvature, automatic postural responses and balance. After lessons, these abnormalities were largely absent, balance improved and the subjects’ pain was greatly reduced. These improvements suggest that, in some cases, back pain can be caused or perpetuated by poor motor control, and that methods in proprioceptive awareness and education, like the Alexander Technique, can be effective in improving motor control and reducing back pain.
